AIM Rule 26
Description of the business
Directors Biographies
Board Responsibilities
Country of incorporation and main country of operation
Scotland, UK
Exchange Details
The Artisanal Spirits Company plc has only applied and agreed to have its securities traded on AIM, a market operated by the London Stock Exchange.
The known percentage of AIM securities that are not in public hands
Significant Shareholders
Details of any restrictions on the transfer of AIM securities
There are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company’s AIM securities.
The number of securities in issue (also detailing the securities held in treasury)
Financial Reports
Articles of Association
Admission Document
Corporate Governance Code
Details on the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
The Company is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.
Key Advisors
Aim 26 Rule Statement
The above information is disclosed in accordance with Rule 26 of the AIM Rules and was last updated on 31 December 2024.